viernes, 24 de abril de 2009

Seed collection

Grown your own tropical indoor plants

with these hand-collect seeds, you can create a small corner of life, color, and beauty in your home to recall the lushness of the tropical rainforest.
Besides adding color to your home, the purches of this product contributes to the conservation of our precious tropical forest by providing alternative income for the families in rural areas who collect these seeds, wich are renewably harvested from the forest.

Collection 24 varietes

Flowering Shurbs

Candle Bush/Saragundi (Senna reticulata)
Bright candle-like inflorescences stand erect on the branch tips. Light-green, oval leaves close at night.

Angel's Hair/Calliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus)
Feathery leaves adorned by unique inflorescence, wich consist of showy bunches of hop pink and white filaments.

Barbados pride/Hoja de sen (Caesalpinia pulcherrima)
Elegant sunset-colored flowers bloom year round. Scientific name 'pulcherrima' is from the latin word for 'beautiful'

Coral tree/Poro (Erythrina fusca)
A striking tropical whit scarlet flower that atract hummingbird. Interestingly, it often loses its leaves when in full bloom.

Palo verde (Parkinsonia aculeata) Everlasting green trunk and branches with miniature leaflets and flowers. Weeping willow form.

Mother of Cacao/Madero negro (Gliricidia sepium)
Provides shade in cacao plantations for developing chocolate trees. Delicate pink and white butterfly-like flowers.

Flowering trees

Blue Jacaranda/Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia)
Lilac clusters of trumpet-shaped blossoms cover the tree and later fall to the ground, creating a beautiful carpet.

Golden Goddess/Cortez Amarillo (Tabebuia ochracea)
A thick canopy of yellow flowers blanket this striking tree, creating a yearly spectacle.

Pink shower tree/Roble de sabana (Tabebuia rosea)
All the leaves of this tree are pinkish-red for the first two years. Then, the leaves turn green, and pink flowers begin to form in cascading buches.

Flame of the forest/Llama del bosque (Spathodea campanulata)
Reddish-orange, tulip-like flowers make this tree stand out brillantly; it's found in many city parks

Ylan Ylan/Ilang Ilang (Cananga odorata)
The perfume scent of this plant's waxy fragants flowers is used in aromatherapy and is a key component of Chanel N 5 perfume.

Royal Poinciana/Malinche (Delonix regia)
Also known as queen of the forest, the scarlet flowers of this tree burst into color over its umbrella-like form.

Exotic Mix

Pink Velvet Banana/Guineo de jardin (Musa velutina)
Dwarf ornamental banana with striking leaves and small pink velvety fruit

Wild coffee/Cafe (Coffea arabica)
Small tree with abundants small flowers that have a jasmin-like aroma. Coffee beans can be harvested from the red fruit.

Purple Passion fruit/Maracuya (Passiflora edulis)
Vine exotic , fragant flower and delicious egg-size fruit

Indian Shot/Platanilla (Canna indica)
Flaming red fruit capsules dry to reveal shiny black seeds that are used as beads, and are so hard they were used by pyrates as emergency ammunition

Monkey Ear Tree/Guanacaste (Enterolobium cyclocarpum)
National tree of Costa Rica, With feathery foliage and ear-shaped fruit pods.

Pelican flower/Carraco (Aristolochia grandiflora)
Elegans vine with hear-shaped leaves and huge flowers that trap tiny flies for pollination.

Calbash tree/Jicaro (Crecentia cujete)
Stout tree makes an interesting bonsai with light flowers. The hard-shelled fruit dried to make Maracas and other crafts.

Zebra Banana/Banana Cebra (Musa zebrina)
This unusual banana plant has variegated leaves with blackish-red coloring 6' inches

Guava/Guayaba (Psidium gujava)
Small tree with smooth pinkish trunk and fragand white flowers. The fruit contain a sweet pinkish-purple flesh that is used in makin jellies.

Gold Rush/Cana fistula (Cassia fistula)
Sweet smellign clusters of yellow flowers cascade from the branches of this small tree

Lipstick tree/ Achiote (Bixa orellana)
Pink flowers are followed by red fruit capsule. A red food coloring and nutural dye used in cosmetic is made from seeds within the capsule.

Bamboo Palm/Palma de Bambu (Pinanga kuhilii)
One the most charming tropical palms with many fronds that grow up 4 inches.

P.O. Box 46-3006 Barreal de Heredia, Costa rica


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